Today I would like to talk about clearing out your past to make room for your future. How many times have you held onto things that you don’t really need and don’t even realize they are taking up space in your life?

clearingouttomakeroomforsomethingnewHave you made some real changes in your mind and your body, but keep looking back and begin to question your own choices?

Let’s go and clean out some things so you don’t have permission to go back to your old life. Invest in your self, in new schooling, training, or whatever you need to do at this time. What about that crazy desk drawer that barely opens and closes?

If you take the time to organize, then you also take the time to let go, and if you let go, you give your self the space you need to grow and evolve.

You know what you are good at. That is your gift, go and share it, don’t waste your time trying to manage everything. Your weakness may be someone else’s strength. You don’t have to handle every single aspect of your home or business.

Isn’t your time so important? Are you using your most precious gift or are you letting it slip between your fingers because you are too busy to notice life passing you by?

The most beautiful present you can give to anyone is to be fully present… wherever you are, and with whomever you are with.

Don’t let guilt stop you from making choices you know are good for you. If you invest in your self, do you think those closest around you will also benefit?

There is a new year the day you decide to change.

Make Room For The Future

The new space in your life starts when you choose something new to create.

When you start making choices for the changes you want in your life,

your life will respond by changing!

Pay attention to your self, to what you are doing, to what you are thinking, to what you are eating, to what you are taking in, and what you are sending out.

I want you to spend time with people who are uplifting, listen to shows that are inspiring and engaging, and surround your self with the circumstances that will ensure you are where you want to really be.

Give your self permission to get rid of the past, it served you well, it helped you get to where you are right now. But, now that you are ready to move into a great future it is time to re-start your life by clearing out to make room so that new future can begin.


Jodie Baudek

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