“I think that is where the creation of the show stemmed from. What is it that we can spark something inside of you that makes you want to take time for your self. Makes you want to fall back in love with your self, just ‘being’ to find yourself.”  Dr. Jim

Welcome back!

Let’s have a real discussion about the effects of social media on our lives. Somebody in the audience asked a question about how to deal with the difficulties that have been coming up around the use of social media. We all know the benefits of social media, from being able to connect to anyone at anytime, building strong networks, sharing your message quickly and getting informed immediately. But, there are also challenges when it comes to the use of social media, especially to the younger generation.

Watch as our viewers asks pertinent questions facing not only youth today, but all people. Dr. Jim and Jodie talk about how to manage the new world of technology and use it to your advantage.

We all want to be successful, but are we doing the things to ensure that we have a fighting chance to obtain our goals? Dr. Jim and Jodie talk about how to create more time in your life for what you really want; fulfill your dreams and be flexible enough to know when to change those dreams.

Tweetable Message: “We are all busy. You hear that so much, ‘Oh I am so busy.’ What are you busy doing? That would be my question. What are you busy doing? Are you doing the things that you find happiness and joy in? That would be my challenge, and if not then why are you doing it? Do you know what your purpose is? I challenge you to really dig deep and start asking your self those tough questions and give your self the freedom to change those answers. If you find what you love doing, ask yourself what your purpose is. Then, while you are busy, ask yourself, are you doing the things that are getting you closer to your goals or not?”

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to send in those questions and comments.

Dr. Jim and Jodie