Today I want to talk to you about changing your perspective on life. It may seem simple enough but how we perceive life, really affects how we live.

Usually we are always talking about the empowerment talk, but what we are going to do is intertwine two things that are really important. One is “Empowerment Talk” and the other one is “What Is Right With Life.”

If we can start seeing what is right with life, and making better decisions, people will have a much better quality of life.

Are you grateful for waking up this morning? We have so many things to be grateful for but we often take all our abundance for granted. My friends started “Watts for Life” for people in other countries who don’t always have access to energy. Can you imagine not being able to turn on the light?

Quit waiting for that perfect job, or to lose those pounds you have been thinking about, or making a million dollars. You can do right with the world right now. Did you have good customer service recently? If you did, just mention it to that person and those simple words “I appreciate you”, can have a huge impact on someone. Give someone a tip, donate your time, quit waiting for some day, last time I checked there wasn’t a some day on the calendar.

Every single one of you has this amazing gift inside of you. Stop dimming your light, show other people how to become an inspiration to others. Be empowered and know you can achieve your goals.

If you have an idea, try it out. Just because it doesn’t work the first time doesn’t mean you have to give up. Keep going, you can do it.

I want to hear what is right with life.

Keep sending in the comments, I love to read them.

Jodie Baudek
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