I was so excited to hear all of your feedback, it was great. I love hearing from you guys, hearing how you are feeling, and hearing how you are doing, so keep the comments coming in!

One of the questions that someone asked after the last show was, ‘how do I go about achieving my goals?’  I know you hear me talking about my goals all the time, which is important part of planning process. Speak your goals out so the Universe can know what you want. But, to be honest, there were times when I started to beat my self up if I didn’t get all of them accomplished in the exact time I wanted. I decided to stop doing that because it wasn’t loving, and it wasn’t really helping. I  started staying in flow and celebrating what I was able to accomplish instead of stewing on what I couldn’t get done. This is an easy step to be able to succeed, stay in the flow and celebrate. It creates a mind set of miracles and gratitude versus disappointment and discouragement. So, whatever it is you want to accomplish, whatever it is you want to achieve, give your self permission to celebrate the little ‘wins’ on the way.

So, what is something that most people don’t normally think about when working on their goals? Clarity. You might wonder why being clear about your goals is a necessary factor, especially when you have already decided what you want to work on. But, I really encourage every one of you to spend some more Jodie Baudek Change Your Life Webinarstime getting very clear on exactly what it is you want to manifest. The Universe has a great sense of humor even though we might not think it is funny, but it will eventually give you what you ask for! I was at a taping of Steve Harvey last week and he was joking about how he asked God to help take him globally. I think we can all agree, after that big mixup at the Beaty Pageant, he did became global… just not in the way he was expecting.

What else can you do to get closer to your goals? Are you a visual person? Have you started your vision board? The more specific you are, the easier it is for you to draw it into your life. Spend some time in your own space reflecting on what you really want. Are you sure what you are hoping to manifest is going to bring you want you really want in life. You might be surprised that beneath that dream, is something else that is being covered up. So, getting clear on your goals is also a way to save your self some time too.

Another thing that is important to consider when working on goals is ‘Where is your focus?’ For example, when we focus on what type of relationship we don’t want, we are still thinking about what we don’t want: that idea is still in our mind. Focus on what type of person you would like to be with, focus on the characteristics you admire and like. Are you already in a good relationship that you are forgetting to appreciate? Make it a point to spend time together, schedule a date, schedule time to focus and connect.

What about career? Establishing a new career is a very common goal for people. Actually, quite a few people have told me that they are not happy in their careers and they wish they could do something else. How about if you change your mindset and make that career that you are already in an investment for your future career? When I started my studio, I quit my ‘job’ because I thought I had to go all in. I had no investors or partners and did it all on my own. But looking back now, if I had of done it little differently, I would have kept that ‘job’ to be one of my investors so I would have had a little more time to explore, and a little less stress carrying all the financial burden.

Put it out there but take a little action every day. You have to be prepared to do the work that goes along with your goals. But, don’t get so focused on a plan that it will happen a certain way.  Is the Universe trying to bless you and you can’t see it because you are looking for it to come in a different way? Allow your self to receive, allow your self to believe in you. There may be some really dark moments, but that could be the moment before you have a breakthrough. The worst thing to do is give up. You may have set backs, you may become discouraged, you may even doubt you can do what you put your mind to. But, those are just moments that will make achieving your goal even sweeter. One of my clients started to try and talk herself into not working on her goals anymore because they seemed to difficult. Well, she knew enough to schedule a life coaching session so she could be reminded that she was worth it, and that she could do it. Sometimes all we need is a little reminder. So, remember our mantra this year is to love, laugh, forgive and dream big.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 Jodie Baudek all rights reserved