by eTgKqY11kQXMJ | Aug 21, 2015 | Blog
This 6 week online program includes:
- Access to 6 weeks of Videos: Jodie gives you clear and easy steps to help you create your goals, guidance on how to make choices that ensure positive results, and insights on how to avoid pitfalls that can sabotage anyone’s success.
- Easy journal templates: to help you stay focused on what is necessary in order to make the changes you want to make.
- Online Support and Forum: to help you stay motivated and on track. Registered members can interact with other members, create their own profile and write blogs about their experiences. Questions and comments will be in the next webinar or in weekly articles.
- BONUSES: Exclusive Guided Meditations specifically created for this course and only available to registered members.
by eTgKqY11kQXMJ | Aug 21, 2015 | Blog
Every single one of you have been put here on this earth to be happy. That is one common thread that we all have, we just want to be happy. But happiness to you may not be happiness to someone else. Happiness to me is love and laughter, and all of your great energy, yoga, puppy dog kisses, being outdoors and working out. Some people hate dogs, some people hate to work out but love to get lost in a book. Everybody has a different joy, everyone has that different thing that allows them to release and to be happy.
Don’t ever let someone else steal your joy again, with their words or with their actions. You see we never know what is going on inside the person next to us. People don’t know what is going on inside of us. But I want you to stand in your truth, and stand in your joy. Don’t care about what anyone else thinks. Something beautiful happens when you are standing in your joy, you become confident. Confidence is probably the sexiest thing
by eTgKqY11kQXMJ | Aug 21, 2015 | Blog
It’s not going to matter how much you weigh or how much money you have in your bank account. I want every single one of you to have an abundance of wealth, whatever wealth is to you: it could be love, financial, things, happiness, health, that may be for you. Whatever your joy is as long as it is pure of heart, it is divinely yours.
All those things are going to start coming to you because you are happy and you are not in resistance anymore. You are not going to have an attitude about where you are, thinking that you are stuck. People are going to start saying, ”Gosh you are so lucky”, and you will say “No, not lucky, just standing in my joy.”
Let that resonate in your soul for a moment, you deserve happiness and you deserve to stay in your joy. Create a big bubble around you and you choose who you allow to come into that big bubble.
by eTgKqY11kQXMJ | Aug 21, 2015 | Blog
Give yourself permission to be happy. Tell yourself form this moment now, “No one is ever going to steal your joy.” You see we have many people in our life that like to steal your joy. Maybe they don’t know better, maybe they don’t even realize they are doing it. Maybe that’s the only way they can be happy.
But that’s not you, you’ve done work, you’ve grown, you’ve let go of your past. You realize there is nothing that you can do about it, except to learn from it, to grow and learn from it. You don’t need to be angry about it and get stuck there. Don’t let anyone steal your joy. You may be related to them, you may have to work with them, they may live in your house. So you may physically have to be around those people, but mentally you do not have to let them take over your thoughts, your energy, your love of your life, your joy of life.
Stay in your joy my friends.
Copyright 2015 Jodie Baudek All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced without written permission from the author.