How To Take A Leap Of Faith

Hi Everyone,

I am so excited to tell you about the new studio in Chicago. I just gotta tell you, get the hell out of your own way… seriously. When opportunity comes just say yes. I don’t care if you are shaking in your boots: Just say yes. Because, it all turns out the way it is supposed to.

Sometimes you ask for changes in your life, and when the blessing show up your like oh crap, my life is going to change, oh my gosh… what if I do this, then this is going to happen?

But, what if you don’t take that chance? What if you don’t take that leap of faith?

So, how do you take a leap of faith? Think about what will happen if you don’t. You ask for things to change because you want the change, if you don’t take that leap, nothing will change. You all know I love LA and I love Chicago, but I’m also a burb girl, and being in the city makes me appreciate spending time in the burbs too. But, I have to tell you being up here in Chicago allows a lot of opportunity to happen and allows us to share what we have created. We weren’t able to reach enough people in the burbs so we decided to expand. Now that we are in Chicago we can have more interviews and workshops to help you attain your goals, and reach new heights.

I know you guys have been asking me to answer how things happened, how did they unravel? What happened was, I just took my hands off the steering wheel. I realized that something big was showing up but I was blocking it because, I was afraid. I was afraid of all the things that would happen if I started allowing all these blessings in my life. But, you don’t have to let go of all the good things in your life in order to receive more blessings, just open your self up to have more of what you really want.  So, use that fear to motivate you to move forward. It’s not really fear, it’s excitement.

So in reality, it’s not that I am afraid, or that I am scared of what can go wrong. I am afraid because it is a beautiful scary thing, all my dreams are going to happen. What if everything you even wanted is about to happen but you are blocking it out of fear? It’s time to level up, go ahead and say yes.

Go ahead and just say yes! Take that leap of faith… and send in your stories, I love to read them.

Namaste Jodie Baudek

How To Achieve Your Goals

Greetings Everyone,

We are back!

I wanted you to get to know Dr. Kris Tohtz a little more. She is my dear friend, and an amazing person. As the founder of Serenity Family Wellness in Chicago, it took a lot for her to get where she is. But, the reality is no matter what goals we want to achieve, we have to be willing to put in the time to work towards attaining them. People will share their opinions with you, but it is up to you to decide what is best for you.

Every one has a unique path, we are not all the same, so the way we go about achieving our goals will also not be the same.

But, the one thing we do have in common is… if we stop, then nothing will be gained, our goals can’t be achieved if we don’t continue until they are attained. That doesn’t mean we don’t adjust what we are working towards as we evolve, but adjusting and giving up on our dreams are two very different things.

We also have to keep on learning. Dr. Kris shares in this video and podcast that she considers her education a tool that she keeps in her tool belt. She can pull out whichever tool she needs, at different times, working with different people. But, if she had of stopped, and listened to those who thought her choices weren’t so practical, would she be where she is today?

So, appreciate the advice others will give to you, acknowledge them and then choose what is best for you. Pssst…She also shares a tip about how to avoid radiation and protect the thyroid too, so listen close.

Learning is so important. That is why we offer as many training programs as possible and why we are constantly creating new ones. Learning is a way to keep your mind young, and your health vibrant. We would love for you to stop by and find out all that is going on here too.

Thanks again for watching and listening, and if you would like to send in your comments please keep them coming.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

How To Have Better Health And Wellness

Greetings Everyone!

I am so excited to introduce you to one of my dearest friends, Dr. Kris Tohtz, owner of Serenity Family Wellness in Chicago. She is the reason I started up another studio downtown Chicago and I am honored to have her on my show today. If you are watching this, you can see the bustle behind us outside which is a little different from the Shorewood studio. But, I honestly have to tell you that the inside is exactly like the first studio I opened up years ago, before I even met Dr. Kris.

There is a synchronicity in the Universe that is undeniable. I believe we were brought together so we could continue working on helping others and expanding our reach to people close and not so close. jodiebaudekkristohtz

I will let Kris tell you a little bit about her self and share some tips on better health and wellness in our overworked, busy lives. As a chiropractor, acupuncturist, yoga teacher and too many other things to mention here, she has a lot to share. So please listen or watch to learn about how to have more fulfilling relationships, how to let go of physical issues hindering your mind and body, and last but not least, how to get better sleep at night.

Please send in your comments and questions, we really like to read them. Actually, your comments help create the next video and podcast. So, keep them coming in!


Jodie Baudek




It’s Time To Move Forward and Level Up

Greetings Everyone,

Welcome back, I am so excited to make this announcement. We are coming out with a new online course called, “Leveling Up.” You asked for the next level to the Six Week Change Your Life Program and we are committed to sitting down and creating a whole new course for you.

If you haven’t done the last program, 6 Week Change Your Life, please try it out. People have really transformed their lives. My Book, Pssst…Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way,  goes with the program too, but if you want to just jump ahead and join us for ‘Level Up’ we will be happy to work with you. So, with ‘Level Up’ we are going to have a course each week which you will work on for the that entire week. We will have five or six different subjects that people said were issues they wanted help with.

One thing we are going to talk about is money. We are going to have a very dignified conversation about money. Because a lot of times people see money as taboo. Imagine what you can do for your self and the other people in your life if you didn’t’ have the stress of not having enough funds? If you allow your self to receive the beautiful abundance of having a great relationship with money, so much can change. What are the stories that you heard when you were little, but just wasn’t the truth? If you can change your story, your beliefs and past ideas about what money is, you can start to change your reality.

For example, I took my nephews on an outing and of course they asked for something and my friend said “we don’t have enough money for that.” I looked at the boys and said, “we have more than enough money than we will ever need in our life, it’s just not on us right now.” And they were like, oh okay, that’s fine. I was trying to change the story with them and let them see there is an abundance out there. I wanted to instill in their mind, it is there, it is always there. I want you to know you can create and generate money. I’m not saying go to the printer and make it! You are very resourceful and can come up with ideas to generate more funds in your life. In this program we will work on digging into your creativity, your strengths, and your life experience to find ways to draw in financial abundance.

We are also going to take a hard look at relationships. You have to let go of all that stuff you just keeping piling on and on. I can promise you that you think you may have let things go and then there is a trigger which reminds you that you haven’t been able to. But now, when there is a trigger you can learn how to process those triggers instead of letting them take you over. I went for a drink the other night and met someone who used to work for me. She said I was weird because I think differently, especially since I didn’t think like her. So I asked her why was she telling me all this, why was she labeling me, instead of getting upset that someone was calling me weird for being different. I am okay with being weird, if she is inspired to make a change then it is more than worth it. A lot of times we label our selves and others and don’t even realize it. I am glad we had that conversation!

What about your relationship with your self? I have friends who can’t be alone at all. I want you to be really comfortable with your self, so when you have a beautiful relationship with someone else it is an addition to who you are. You can be happy with your self and then share that joy with others.

Lastly, I want to talk about stepping into your greatness: I think people hold themselves back way too much. They hold themselves back because of fear, but not of failure, it is fear of getting whatever they desire in life. You pray about it, visualize it, think about it, but when it shows up you block it. Why? These are just some of the things I want us to work on in our next program. And I really want to say thank you to all the people who sent in suggestions and comments. It is amazing working with so many people who want to move forward and achieve their goals.


Jodie Baudek

Step Into Your Greatness


Welcome back to another Empowerment Talk and What Is Right With Life Show.

stepintoyourgreatnessjodiebaudekToday I want to talk to you guys about stepping into your greatness. People have been sharing with me how much they have grown after doing the Six Week Change Your Life Program. They have also been asking when is the next course? The Six Week Change Your Life Program was easy to take, it was online, and you could watch the videos and answer questions on your own time. So, apparently that format really worked well for everyone.

Well, we are working on the next online course for you right now. This new course is based on your feedback from the Six Week Change Your Life Program. You guys asked me to talk about things that really affect your lives. So, we are going to dive deep into relationships, and learn how to deepen and strengthen your relationship with your self. From that strong foundation of confidence and joy the other relationships in your life will flourish. What about money? It’s pretty hard to accomplish anything without some kind of money, but is your relationship with money allowing you to achieve your goals? Also, how about taking ownership of self? Are you giving your power away? Are you the one in control of your life? Are you the one making the choices or are you letting others dictate your level of peace and joy?

Lastly, we are going to work on stepping into your greatness. People don’t want to be mediocre anymore. You guys realize that you can make choices that can change your life, change your direction and directly impact how you live. There are no more excuses to not being exactly where you want to be.

You are in control, you are absolutely in control.

Please keep sending in those comments, they really matter. We listen to what you have to say.

We will keep you posted about the new program, and I am super excited about being involved in another amazing program with you!


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 Jodie Baudek All Rights Reserved.

Age Is Only A Number

Today I want to talk about age. Wherever you are in  your life, whatever you are feeling, just honor it.

Are you limiting your self according to your age?

Everyone is different, everyone is unique, but we all deserve the same respect. Our biological age is just that, biological. Our true age is in our soul, it is in our  mind. Surround your self with wonderful and incredible people and uplift your self daily. Don’t allow others to tell you what is wrong with life, or what is wrong with them. Tell them to stop focusing on what is wrong. Whatever you focus on is what you will end up thinking about.

I have noticed sometimes that some women are sensitive to age, they expect to be a certain place depending on how old they age. Don’t compare your self to others. Enjoy your life. Wherever you are in life, your homework is to start making a date with life. Whether you go to the movies, or go out for dinner, it doesn’t matter. Find a new vitality in your life. But you have to allow your self to step out of what you think you should be doing, or where you should be at because of the number on your birth certificate. You are much  more than what you think you are.

Give your self a chance to go beyond the limitations that society places on you, move forward and grab everything life has to offer.

Let your self go.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 Jodie Baudek All Rights Reserved.