“You have to get out there, be yourself and be with people and create your own happiness. It is not just something that is going to be handed to you. You have to get out there and find it in everything that you are doing on a daily basis.” Dr. Jim and Jodie

Welcome back everyone!

In today’s show we answer a couple of questions you guys sent us recently. First off, everyone wants to know how we met. So today we will talk about that.

It’s kind of crazy. Some of you know from the other station, ‘What Is Right With Life’, that Dr. Kris encouraged me to open up another yoga studio here in Chicago. She is kind of the root of how we met, because she introduced me to her friend Ed, who had a book signing for me in his restaurant, Bountiful. Jim came into that booksigning event with his staff and we got to talking. I challenged him to move forward and that is how it went rolling from there.

Next question: How do you deal with loss?

Jim: I had gone through some loss before in the past and doing the book, “Psst…Get Out Of Your Own Way” was how I dealt with loss at the time. I am sure there are a lot of you out there that experience loss. Loss is loss at any level, whether it be your pet, your mom passing away, losing your job, relationships, loss is loss. There is no limit or boundary on what loss means to you: Because loss is whatever it is to you. Nobody can take that away from you. It’s big, and not for somebody else to judge.I have to admit that just sitting there writing out the exercises in that book (Pssst….Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way), was a healthy way to get everything out instead of acting out.

That ties into our next question, “How can I stop longing for happiness?”

Nowadays we have so much access with our phone. There is so much that we can instantaneously get a hold of. So a lot of times, emotionally, we expect that happiness should be right at our fingertips. We also expect there is no work that has to be done to make us happy. That is simply not true. That can lead to sense of false hope with people.

Inspirational Message “You have to get out there and grind and be yourself and be with people and create your own happiness. It is not just something that is going to be handed to you. You have to get out there and find it in everything that you are doing on a daily basis”

Sometimes, people are emotionally detached because they are so attached to their phones and ‘how many likes did I get?’ When people are so focused on numbers, they don’t make the time to build relationships. My advice to you is to take the time and build relationships.

Find something that you can connect with. We are hoping that you guys can connect with us. Reach out, we want to hear what you have to say. So, what is the homework today? I would like your homework to be, call up your friends, put your phone in your car, and leave your phones off and really have a heart to heart conversation. Be present with people that you are with. Practice being present with yourself and with others. And you are going to start finding that you will discover true happiness in those moments because you are not distracted.

Keep the questions coming!


Dr. Jim and Jodie