I Dare You To Take The Challenge

I am so excited to introduce you to an amazing friend of mine, Jim Lopez. We met at my one of my book signings and we haven’t stopped talking since. I gave him a challenge to write his own book and he took it.

Jim Lopez, Chiropractor Jim is a Chiropractor at Universal Wellness Source in Chicago. His site can be found at www.universalwellnesssource. com. He truly does so much for his community. He is currently doing a fundraiser for local Chicago Public Schools, so anyone who wants to be able to receive treatment should not be denied because of financial issues.

Our kids are lacking health education, and it is up to us to help educate people about better nutrition, health and most of all well-being.

What I find really interesting about Jim is his focus on women’s health issues, which are a real concern for a lot of people I know. There are alternative ways to support both men and women in making healthy choices for not only themselves but also their families.

Sometimes we have to follow our intuition. Sometimes we have to go with what we think is right. This doesn’t mean we need to ignore our doctors though! I love my doctor, but the onus is on us to be a wise consumer.

His story is touching because women’s health issues hit very close to home for him. I really admire him because he used the challenges he and his family had to face as a motivation to help others.

I challenged him to write his own book and to share his story with as many people as possible. I can’t tell you guys how important it is for us to starting sharing what we have experienced with others.

I challenge all of you, and I am here to help. We are almost finished book number two, and it really is an incredible journey to share your soul with others.Jim Lopez

We don’t know who is in the room.

We don’t know who we can touch.

We don’t know exactly what the ripple effect will bring, but what we do know this…

if you decide to give,

if you decide to reach out,

there will be a ripple effect.


Jodie Baudek

You Can Change Your Story

I am so excited to introduce you to a dear friend of mine, Lori Hess, who is a Health Coach among many things. She is part of Jodie Baudek Productions, and will be a part of the crazy amazing things we have going on here.JodieBaudekProductionsLoriHess

Lori had been training hundreds of people in Chicago and very focused on food and exercise and then noticed a pattern: life happened. They weren’t able to reach the goals they really wanted to attain. Finally, a lightbulb went off and she realized that the Health Coaching piece was missing. She could help facilitate change in her clients by assisting them to understand their thoughts, behaviors and patterns that just weren’t helping them anymore.

There is so much more beyond the physical body and that does need to be addressed when considering how to change your life. For example, a client used to schedule appointments with Lori who was suffering from depression and could only feel comfortable in baggy clothes. So, Lori helped her to understand where her mentality was and what needed to be addressed first. The Change Your Life Webinar we have on our site is very similar.

People want to make changes all the time, but how many are able to be successful at actually making those changes? Very few.

Why? Because there are other factors that are not being considered but yet still impact our choices, our lives, and our world.

For instance, a lot of us are focused on our health. But, health is not just your blood pressure, it is your over all well-being. Do you notice we create certain stories to support our bad habits? Change your story! Clients that want to lose weight start of with 10 to 15 pounds and then get stuck. Sometimes their story is they “can’t” because they have never been able to, but that story can be changed. Weight is just one of the ways we can have an endless battle with our selves unnecessarily. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it for your self or for others? Are you surrounding your self with people who will support you?

Are the stories of other people affecting you? Where do you begin and end? Where does the other person begin and end? Do you have healthy boundaries?

Also, do you find your self beating your self up because you are having a bad day?  Do you notice you have an all or nothing mentality? Allow for the ups and downs and love your self more for it. We don’t just come to our happy place, it is through the challenges, and through those challenges you can better your self. That way you can be more authentic, that way you can really inspire others.

How you can understand where someone else is coming from? How can you really empathize with another? It is going through what you are experiencing right now. We all have a past, we all have stuff, it’s okay to process them in your own time. But that past, that stuff, can help other people if you let it.

Sometimes the hardest thing is just giving your self a few minutes to your self everyday. Only a few minutes can make a world of difference for the next 24 hours. It’s not that you don’t love others, but you have to learn to love your self first, by taking care of your self so you can actually be there for others when they really need you. Watch how things will change when you have determination to choose your self.

Claiming time for your self is so huge.

We are going to get into more things like working on the thoughts in your head, the nutrition that you are putting into you, physical well-being and so much more.

Keep an eye out for more youtube videos and podcasts in the weeks to come because we will be answering your questions and talking about the things you asked to hear about. Keep sending in those comments and questions, we love to hear from you guys. It makes everything so worth while.


Jodie Baudek

Name Jodie’s Next Book

I really need your help. Book number one, “Pssst…Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way”, has been doing really well.  But it is time for the next one to come out. Here is the thing…. we need help naming the next book. It is a compilation of all the stories of people who bought Book One. These stories are amazing, but that shouldn’t be a surprise because they are amazing.

This book has changed so many lives, we had to put names in a hat because we couldn’t figure out which ones we were going to use for book number two. Their stories are so inspirational.

It takes a tribe, I need you to help me name this book. It is the stories of people who knew they wanted to make a change and came in to do the first book with me.  We videotaped them on their very first day of their journey doing “Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way.”  Their faces changed, because their lives changed. Watching people grow and literally get out of their own way is humbling and encouraging. When you see others let go of old stories and negative tapes playing in their heads, and embrace a new way of thinking and living, you know without a doubt that anything is possible.

So, start submitting potential titles, you can use Instagram or youtube, or e-mail. Whoever name we choose to title the second book, he or she will receive the first book, Pssst, Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way, the second book and the Six Week Change Your Life program.  It is an online program that helps you to peel away those layers and get to the person you want to be, and live the life you want to live.  You are amazing, There is nothing you can’t achieve. There is nothing you can not do. This program helps you to focus on your goals, remove the blocks and clear the way for an incredible life.

The only limitations you have are the one’s you place on your self. I am so excited you joined me on this journey and I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Jodie Baudek

Live Guided Meditation: The Secret To Living An Incredible Life

Give your self permission to be happy.  I want you to give your self permission to let go of anything that is holding you back. Let go of any story that you have told yourself that you have to stay where you are if you are not completely happy. You were put on this earth to be happy, to love, to live and to know that you mattered.

So, don’t hold your self back because of someone else. Don’t shrink down because of someone else. Don’t you want to know that you were happy? Don’t you want to know you lived your best life?

The secret of getting there is:

A) Forgive  B) Choosing You  C) Going for it!

Most importantly you need to start having a beautiful relationship with your self.

You can not keep going externally to be happy, it has to be internal.

At different points in your life we attract different things, people, events and circumstances.

Those things come and go, that is just a part of life, but are you holding onto those things? Forgive your self for hanging onto to something that somebody told you, or a label they put onto you. Forgive your self and let it go. It is time for you to start choosing you and going for it!

Do you have something you can share but don’t feel comfortable charging? Do you think that there is a small chance you could help somebody? By allowing your self to receive form others in return for what you can share with them, you can then in turn share so much more.

I had to take a real leap of faith to start this center. But there was a lot of people telling me I could not do it, that I would not make it and be closed within a year. They said this kind of stuff wouldn’t make it in this area. What would have happened if I had listened to everything everyone else had to say about my life?

You choose your life, you choose what you want to do, you choose who you surround your self with, you choose what you put into your body.

Choose you and dream big. There is nothing that is impossible.

What is your deepest, deepest desire?

Write it down, Instagram me and I will hold you accountable for that.

Your life can be incredible, because you choose your self.

It all starts with you choosing to have a great relationship with yourself.

This does not have to be a secret anymore, go out and share it and see how the world around you changes.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved




Through The Eyes Of A Child

Today I want to talk to you about looking at life through the eyes of a child. Seems too simple doesn’t it? But, as an adult do you think we like to over complicate things a little?

Yesterday I was asked to teach 500 little kids in the local school and it was incredible. We were silly and had way too much fun. I noticed children are so open and honest. The smallest little thing can excite them. At that age they want to investigate, learn and grow. At that age there are no limitations, they think they can do anything and they really can.

But as adults, we start putting self-imposed limitations on ourselves and think we are not good enough. Why do we think we are not good enough? Are we listening to someone’s ideas? Are you letting someone else write your story for you?

What about your dreams? Kids are not afraid to dream, and dream big! But, have you noticed that as adults we start to second guess ourselves? We hold back on even giving ourselves permission to dream. So, if you are holding back on a dream you have, even if it was just a childhood dream, I want you to give your self permission to look at life through the eyes of a child and let your self dream again.

Kids see everything as new and exciting and they aren’t worried about whether or not they are good enough to share with others.Children naturally want to share their stories with others, children naturally want to help others.

By just sharing your story and your experiences you can begin to help other people too.You don’t have to be perfect to help somebody else, you just have to be willing to take the risk.

I really think that your story can be a beautiful book, speech and even maybe could change people’s lives. Why not take the risk and grab the chance and go out there and inspire somebody else. It doesn’t have to be incredibly deep. I helped the little lady at the airport with her luggage, someone was watching and then decided to grab the wheelchair. Someone else noticed and stood up and offered his seat in first class to her. All those people who were involved in that random act of kindness, felt amazing. But if one person was afraid to reach out, the ripple effect would not have continued.

Just because we are adults doesn’t have to mean we are not able to let go and live like a child. Change your life. Reconsider all of your commitments, are you saying yes to all of them, and trying to please every body else all the time? You decide how you are going to live, you decide what choices you are going to make. Your story can inspire someone else. Your stories inspire me. Please keep sharing them!


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved

Are You Living The Most Incredible Life?

Are you living the most incredible life? And if not, let’s talk about that. Why you are not living the most incredible life? A lot of time we have blocks to our blessings because we have old stories playing in our mind. Or, we might be playing the blame game. Let’s start letting go of those old stories that just aren’t serving you anymore.

One of the things I would really like to talk to you about is a taboo subject. That is money! A lot of people don’t think they should make money sharing their gifts. If you go to the doctor, you expect to pay for that service right? You have an education, whether it be through schooling and books, or through life experience. Why is it not okay for you to receive compensation for your knowledge? When you make money you can contribute. For example, you can further your education so you can learn more, so you can teach more. What is negative about that? How about being able to help out your family? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share with the people you love? It’s in our nature to give, what a beautiful pay it forward. Stop worrying about the judgement, if you have a beautiful product and you want to sell it, sell it!

I talked you guys last week about the 6 Week Change Your Life Program. That is an amazing program, but it wasn’t free to make it. It cost a lot of money to make sure it was in a format that could be available online to anyone regardless of where they lived. Do you remember that couple who took the program and realized they were not living their dreams? They picked up and moved to their dream home. They are so happy, but they had no idea they were the one’s holding themselves back. So this program is about letting go of the excuses that you use to hold your self back.

That program was the catalyst! What would have happened if I did not feel comfortable charging for the course? I would not have had the funds to pay for the gifted people who work behind the scenes here. Just because other people might not know what is going on behind your scene doesn’t mean you should stop yourself from sharing. You deserve to be paid for your services. Don’t feel guilty, feel beautiful for sharing who you are.

Do you have any idea how much you could do for others if you allowed your self to open up and receive? There are no limits to what you can give to others, but you first have to be able to receive. Last week I went back to my old neighborhood because I wanted to give back to others. This Universe has given me so much that I was honored to have been given the opportunity to share just a little of that with others. I grew up in that neighborhood, that is where I came from and I honor all the experiences that made me who I am today.

Whatever choices people make, it doesn’t matter. What matters is, are you able to open your self up to others? When you make that shift and you open up your mind to receiving compensation for your service, you are then able to help so many more around you. Grab that opportunity to serve others who are not as fortunate as you may be right now.

And in order to take those opportunities you have to be willing to receive. It’s okay to charge for your services, it’s okay to share with others. There is a ripple effect even if we don’t always see it. You can earn money while helping others, you can do whatever you put your intention to. I can’t wait to see what you do next.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved.

The Ripple Effect Of Helping Others

Today I would like to talk about how we can really make a difference in other people’s lives. I got an e-mail from someone who took my class over a decade ago. They walked into my studio and we hit it off right away. The wife took hours trying to help me learn some much needed computer skills. Fast forward a few years later and she and her husband came in when I moved to a bigger space to buy packages, (although they could not use them because of how far they lived), to just support me. You never know, who is paying attention, who is watching, and who will be there to support you. Fast forward again, my book comes out, and she bought it which I had no idea about. Fast forward again, she did the Six Week Change Your Life Program. And things really started to change in her life. Usually when people start they don’t write down too much, maybe six or seven lines or so. But by the end of the program people are writing paragraphs and novels!


The Ripple Effect Of Helping Others


Come to find out, because of the program she and her husband realized they had given up on their dreams. They decided to let go and stop making excuses and when they did, changes started to happen immediately. Now they are living in their dream home where they had always wanted but never thought could manage. Her message really made me cry. She said if she had not done the book and the Six Week Change Your Life program, her life would have been in shambles. She is not the first person who has said that, but I have to say the same thing to all of you. Because of you, I am being given a chance to share. We need each other don’t we? We are all here to help one another. But, in order to help someone else you have to take care of your self first.

So, I want you to choose you.

What is choosing? Choice is the act of picking or deciding between two or more possibilities. What are your possibilities? You can either choose you, or you can choose excuses that make you feel better about not working towards your goals. During the Six Week Change Your Life Program, we take a lot of time to think about what goals are best to work on, and not only that, we focus on how fulfill those goals. What are the steps involved, what are the obstacles, how can they be removed, how can success be realized? That is why people choose to take this course more than once, don’t we sometimes have different goals we want to work towards?

Once you choose you, the Universe opens up. Be ready to receive, when it shows up receive it. I want you to start thinking every single day, “What went right?” Write out your intentions daily, but don’t forget to celebrate them! Cross off everything you get done during the day, big stuff and small stuff. Put a big star or clappy hand emojis! Celebrate all of you accomplishments!  You are encouraging yourself to be productive! When you do this you are also telling the Universe, that you are celebrating everything that it has blessed you with!

You never know who you are inspiring.

With this being said, when we take the time to help others, we inspire them to help themselves, which opens them up to being able to help others, and so on and so on. It has a beautiful, beautiful, ripple effect! Someone else will say thank you to you, for saving their life, by the way you lived, by the words you used, by the love you decided to share with them.  Live your best life, love, laugh and dream big.

You never know who you might be helping along the way. You never know who you might be uplifting by just trying to be a better you. By making changes you are changing the world.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved


Are You Setting Your Own Intentions?

Today I would like to talk about the power of intentions. Are you setting your intentions? Every single morning when I wake up, I set my intentions. When you do that, it sets you in this vibration of opening yourself up to allowing those miracles you have been asking for to come into your life. And, I am a big believer of being grateful for everything. You have to say thank you for all those wonderful beautiful things in your life.

But, let’s start to learn how to set your intentions.


Today, I want to laugh.

Today, my intention is to make my clients day better.

Today, I want to go beyond my own limitations.

Today, I want to start setting up intentions.

It sets the momentum happening. Everything that I have set my intentions to do has already happened.

Somebody mentioned to me that you have to ask for what you want in life, but when it shows up you also have to be ready to receive it.

But when was the last time you asked, source, God, universe, and said, can you help me today? When was the last time you asked? When was the last time you allowed your self to receive it?

If you asked to be healthy and vibrant, and somebody noticed how good you looked, how did you respond? Were you able to receive that?

Take a look at what happens if you ask for things and then you are not able to receive them.

If you can’t receive, the blessings can’t make it to you.

Aren’t you worth being able to live your best life?

I know you are.

I am not going to tell you that it is all rainbows and unicorns, because it is not.

Some days are going to be very challenging but how you choose to react to those days, is where your power lies.

Your intention to be open to receive instead of resistance, changes the vibration of your life.

When you get into that habit, it will change your life.

If you don’t start today when are you going to do it? Your future self is waiting for you to start. Really focus on what is really right in your life right now.

Come to a place of gratitude and get out of your own way.

You are going to inspire so many people by living your best life.

I don’t care what your past was, if God can forgive you, why can’t you forgive you?

Why are you still beating your self up? Start by forgiving your self, let go of your shame, change your story and start to choose you.

I hope your life is amazing.

I hope to hear from you.

I am so grateful to all the people who sent their stories in for the next book.

We can help others in so many ways.

Thank you for sharing your story with me.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved



Book Signing and Public Speaking with Jodie Baudek

Check back for more updates on Jodie Baudek’s book signing tour. “Pssst… Wanna Get Out Of Your Own Way” is also a webinar for those who want to take things a little further.

Get your copy of the book here : http://www.amazon.com/Jodie-Baudek/e/B00OK2SY0C

What Would Your Future Self Say?

Today I would like to talk about how to connect to your future self. You might be surprised to find out what you can discover about your self from a different perspective. Recently, someone from the ‘Change Your Life’ webinar admitted that there were things he was masking from himself and recognized that if he wanted to move forward professionally and personally, it was time to start taking that mask off and being brutally honest with himself.

If your future self were to be brutally honest with you, what would it say?


What Would Your Future Self Say Jodie Baudek

What do you need to do differently to create a different future?

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result has been called ‘insanity’ because it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Would your future self tell you to be grateful for everything in your life? How often are we really grateful for what is going on in our lives? It may seem like I say this often, but you can never really be too grateful. When you look around in the news and media, the people who have been able to reach great success, all share that they were grateful before they become successful. The key ingredient is to appreciate and like where you are now, enjoy the journey, relish the experiences that are actually making you into that confident future self that is awaiting you.

Your future self is amazing, your future self has beautiful relationships with self. It doesn’t look in the mirror and criticize itself. I want you to have a beautiful relationship with your emotions, family, significant others, work, and anything else in  your life. But, that means letting go of negative relationships and a negative mentality. You need to let go of the negativity you have toward your future.  Instead, make a list of the things in your life that you want to cultivate. What is your list? Remember to reflect on the mental, spiritual, physical, emotional, finances, relationships, work, and goals.

Put it somewhere, maybe even your screen saver. Being the best version of you, in all of these things. It is going to take work, but it is worth it. If you can just for a moment imagine your self five years from now. Having beautiful health, incredible connections, no longer comparing your self to others. Imagine a healthy relationship with money, money flows to you, there is no lack. But you have to change your mindset. Your future self, feels amazing, your future self has taken you to places, you have had great experiences, you are co-creating, doing more things that you could have imaged. Take your self out of that cage that limits you. Let your self out of that cage, whatever it looks like to you. Spread those wings, and fly so high, you are not going to realize, your future self is going to say, thank you for choosing you, for believing in your self, for letting go of limitations and manifesting.

My friend said to me the other day, ‘You can not swim if you are holding onto that anchor.’ Do you have a relationship with your self that wants to keep you where you are because you are afraid of transition? Release the anchor, get out of the cage, whatever analogy that you need to use, write it down so you can remember it. Use that, and make it your mantra. My mantra personally and professionally, is to love, laugh, forgive and dream big. I am stepping into a vulnerable state too, but it doesn’t have to be scary, this is a really exciting time. Don’t think you have to know everything, you don’t have to have every step figured out. Be okay with that feeling of vulnerability. That vulnerability is the precipice to the greatness you are about to experience.

I can’t wait to see how you are going to become an even better version of your self. Whenever I pray or meditate I always say “and, or for my higher good.” Where we come from, our environment, our culture, or our past, can sometimes put a label on things, but if you say ‘and or for my higher good you give the universe room to bless you. You deserve it, go out there and live your best life.

Celebrate your wins.

Tell me about it.

The ‘Six Week Change Your Life’ webinar was created so there was some sense of accountability. There is actually somebody on the other end answering those questions, commenting on your growth and supporting you every step of the way.

And that somebody is me, I want you to succeed.

I want you to achieve your goals.

I want you to hear your future self speaking to you right now, encouraging you to take that leap of faith and jump into your new life.


Jodie Baudek

copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved