I am so excited to introduce you to an amazing friend of mine, Jim Lopez. We met at my one of my book signings and we haven’t stopped talking since. I gave him a challenge to write his own book and he took it.

Jim Lopez, Chiropractor Jim is a Chiropractor at Universal Wellness Source in Chicago. His site can be found at www.universalwellnesssource. com. He truly does so much for his community. He is currently doing a fundraiser for local Chicago Public Schools, so anyone who wants to be able to receive treatment should not be denied because of financial issues.

Our kids are lacking health education, and it is up to us to help educate people about better nutrition, health and most of all well-being.

What I find really interesting about Jim is his focus on women’s health issues, which are a real concern for a lot of people I know. There are alternative ways to support both men and women in making healthy choices for not only themselves but also their families.

Sometimes we have to follow our intuition. Sometimes we have to go with what we think is right. This doesn’t mean we need to ignore our doctors though! I love my doctor, but the onus is on us to be a wise consumer.

His story is touching because women’s health issues hit very close to home for him. I really admire him because he used the challenges he and his family had to face as a motivation to help others.

I challenged him to write his own book and to share his story with as many people as possible. I can’t tell you guys how important it is for us to starting sharing what we have experienced with others.

I challenge all of you, and I am here to help. We are almost finished book number two, and it really is an incredible journey to share your soul with others.Jim Lopez

We don’t know who is in the room.

We don’t know who we can touch.

We don’t know exactly what the ripple effect will bring, but what we do know this…

if you decide to give,

if you decide to reach out,

there will be a ripple effect.


Jodie Baudek